Thursday, April 15, 2010

10 Advantages Of being "Single "

Here are ten great benefits of being a single

1. Your Time Is Your Own

2. Your Money Is Your Own

3. More time for 'girl-bonding'

4. Get to Know Your Friends

5. Get to Know Your Family

6.YOU make the rules

7.You get to do the things that interest you, and not what interests your partner

8.Meeting 'new' people

9.Extra cash to spend on fashionable stuff like perfumes/clothing

10.Less money spent on $$cellphone bills$$

I'm single, and I enjoy my single life.
I love being able to go with my sister, my best friend to movies, concerts anytime
I can speak and flirt with anyone without my significant other getting jealous.
I don't have to deal with someone else's emotional baggage from past relationships (I know it sounds mean, but I'm sure we've all encountered it)

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