Thursday, November 4, 2010

PSEUDO RELATIONSHIPS "we're just friends syndrome"

it became a trend nowadays in the society..
from the Greek word pseûdos means falsehood; almost, approaching, or trying to be...

its hard to explain, but take this as an example, from the movie "500 DAYS OF SUMMER"

SUMMER: We're just friends.
TOM: No, don't pull that with me! Dont even try! This is not how you treat your friend! Kissing in the copy room? Holding hands in IKEA? Shower sex? Come on! Friends my balls!
SUMMER: I like you, Tom. I just don't want a relationship.
TOM: Well, you're not the only one who got to say on this, I do too. And I say we're a couple, goddammit!

you thought just because you kiss, hold hands, make love,secretly love each other,
one thing for sure though.. you never said iloveyou.

but why people tend to deal with this kind of relationship, just because its convinient?
just because its in? doesnt it hurts too?
"If this is so complicated then why do people still enter this kind of relationship?"

or is it because they just have one thing in mind


you can get upset, hurt, angry but you're not in the position to burst it..
so you must be good in concealing with how you really feel..
isnt it being scared?

"So are you saying that I can't complain even when i'm hurting?"
You see, the truth about pseudo relationship is that there is no "us". No "we" either. Only "me" and "you". There is love (even great love) but the relationship has no label. There are no guarantees. No future plans. You just go with the flow. But your pain is real. And it's self-inflicted so why complain?

again from the movie..

TOM: Look, we don't have to put a label on it. That's fine, I get it. I just need, you know, some consistency.
SUMMER: I can't give you that. Nobody can.

If you're in a pseudo relationship now just follow the rules and you'll survive somehow. You can't control your emotions but you can control your actions.

another line from an episode of HOUSE
"If love is based on lies, does that mean it's not a real feeling? It doesn't bring the same pleasure?"

at the end of the day.. when everything gets down over and over again.. isnt it tiring?

how long can someone hold on to this?

.........we're not getting any younger so lets do what we want / whatever will make us happy.. the question is, are we really happy?..

nothing is what it seems...

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